Kit Carson is an American jewelry designer of the first order. Trained as an artist and engraver, Kit’s style is pure Americana, reflecting his experience in the Southwest. Kit’s jewelry is as American as it gets, using American themes, American materials, and techniques.
In his own words: Art and I met up when I was 9. By 18 I knew my path and by 25 I was in business. My specialty is engraved jewelry with a rainbow of gemstones including high grade turquoise. The beauty and humor of animals is a constant theme in my work. I’ve continued to focus on jewelry, adding sculpture and painting along the way.
My sculpture is created from my vast library of visual solutions. Lately I have incorporated objects left behind in the Wild West, with a rich sun-sanded patina, what others might call, “rusty junk.” I truly have a lust for rust. Wall art, furniture, lamps, and animals are forever being welded in my studio. Custom guitars are part of my sculptural repertoire; they rock, they roll, they’re out of control.