Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania of Belgian parents, Michael Good spent his youth in both the US and Europe. In the late 50’s he moved to NYC where he worked as a social activist. It was in NYC that he started working with a sculptor who taught him some very rudimentary metalsmithing skills.
In 1969, Michael and his wife, Karen, moved with their son “back to nature ” to a miniscule town in northeast, Maine. They spent several years logging, clamming, and any other odd jobs possible to make a living, while at the same time, Michael continued to work on jewelry.
In 1977, he took a workshop with Heikki Seppa, a Finnish metalsmith who showing him the beginning techniques of putting a compound curve into a sheet of metal (like a saddle form). Michael was fascinated with the process, and figured out how to continue forming the curve into a tube. From 1981-1986, he won several prestigious awards, including Intergold, Diamonds Today, and Diamonds International. This laid the foundation for a long career designing jewelry and sculpture using the now well known technique of Anticlastic Raising.